Monday, December 3, 2012

Leadership - Serving those we lead.

I want to share a leadership story with you.  This was a moment in time where I think something got through my thick skull.  How do people really change?

I had become a sales manager and realized that the skill set required to be a successful Sales Manager was different than the skill set required for a sales person.  You still had to be results driven but you had to do this through other people.  I’m sure many other people have gone through this experience as anyone would, moving into a management and leadership type role.  The owner of the company said that my management skills and knowing how to move the business forward were solid; I just needed to add those leadership skills that would help us move everyone forward.  Our jobs as doers change drastically when we are expected to serve others. 

I decided to take a Dale Carnegie program called Leadership Training for Managers.  I quickly learned about myself and what skills I was going to need to improve on to be a successful leader.  I can’t say that I’ve mastered any of these skills, but we continue to learn and become better at what we do.  I realized that my style was not about relationships but more about doing and getting things done.  To become a better leader I needed to understand that my job was to find out what was important to those I lead, what motivated them, how I could inspire them to do more, be more and ultimately help them get what they wanted.  In business we exist to serve our customers and as a leader we exist to serve our customers, our internal customers and the people we lead.

In my opinion this is what today’s leadership lacks,  the serve others mentality, this is why our job as a leader exists.  Leadership is not about power or authority; it’s about influence and what we can do to help the people we lead get what they want.  As Zig Ziglar once said, “The more time we spend helping others get what they want our success will follow.”  Not the exact quote but I think you get the message.  This is what leadership is about, it’s not about you, it’s all about the people we lead.

So as leaders, how do we get engagement, how do we inspire others, how do we get our teams working at a higher level?  Simple, as leaders we need to know our people at a deeper level, we need to know what is important to them and we need to get them involved in bringing their ideas forward. 

We had a person in a Dale Carnegie course that called me half way through the program that said, even though I did a good job of selling him into the program he didn’t think that it was the right fit for him.  He wanted a program about leadership.  I suggested to him that the bulk of the leadership components of the program were later on and that if he continued to work hard in the program and he felt the same way once the program was completed we would have another conversation.  We never had that conversation, in fact, this person was so happy with the results he decided to come back and join us in the program as an assistant coach!

His realization was that he wasn’t listening to the people he was leading.  He was giving orders and telling people what to do.  Once he stopped giving orders, started asking questions he quickly realized how the culture with his team changed.  People started coming to him with ideas, they were more engaged, they put more effort into what they were doing.  The results were amazing; their warehouse efficiency rating improved tremendously saving the company thousands of dollars.

Leadership involves a mentality that how we do things are usually more important than what we do.  This was my aha moment and it has lead me down this path with Dale Carnegie.  I’m a better person for it and I thank those that have helped me along the way.

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