Monday, July 23, 2012

Is Your Sales Model Obsolete?

 Over the last number of weeks I’ve talked with many business owners and sales managers about their sales staff and their selling strategies.  It’s been an eye opener to say the least.  Most people talk about lead generation or how leads are handled when I mention sales process.  NOT the same thing.  Selling process from my perspective is the process that sales people follow when they are with a customer or potential customer. What are you saying and why?   What information do you require?   What is important to them?

Selling strategies almost always revolve around the company and their products, not the customer.  In today’s market place you had better start changing your focus on your customer and what they want and need.  If you don’t, you’ll always be battling price objections and you will not be building your base of loyal customers.

When was the last time you purchased something and really cared about the company that supplied you?  In all fairness customers don’t care about you, your products or your company.  They care about themselves, what they need, what they want and the success of their business, the things that are important to them.  Tough for some people to realize, but it’s true.  Try honestly to see it from the other person’s point of view is principle #17 in our training that is likely one of the biggest eye openers I had when I took Dale Carnegie sales training many years ago.  I admit it, I was a logical product pedlar and when I was introduced to many of the Dale Carnegie ideas I understood what I was missing.  Taking that next step in sales is magical and creates more than you could possible imagine!

 Another important aspect to selling is that people don’t buy products, they buy the benefits or results of those products that help them get what they want.  In our business, we don’t sell training, we sell business results.  For example, we recently did some work with Business in Vancouver in which we did sales training for their entire sales staff, we produced an immediate 13% increase in sales by helping their staff grow better relationships with their customers and move away from pedalling their products.  Kerry McDonald, their sales manager, understood that the success of their business relies heavily on their relationships with their loyal customer base and he wanted their sales staff to become much more consultative in their selling approach.  Now there’s a selling strategy that makes sense!!

The link below is to an article that talks about these kinds of issues in sales today, if you feel like you’re a product pedlar and you want more tools to become a trusted business partner with more customers give us a call!

And remember what Dale Carnegie said about sales, "You can close more business in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get people interested in you."
 Happy Selling!