Monday, August 22, 2011

Public Speaking

Last week our company emailed our database a marketing piece about the Dale Carnegie course that included a link to a free booklet that we offer called, “Speak More Effectively”.  The response in people downloading this booklet was incredible.  This is obviously an important topic for people in business today.

As our team followed up these inquiries we talked with people that say they need to build their confidence, when speaking in front of groups.  As adults, we are interested in a quick and easy way to speak effectively.  The only way we can achieve results quickly is to have the right attitude about achieving our goal and a firm foundation of principles to build upon. 

Here are a few key principles:

1. Speak about something that: (a) You have earned the right to talk about through study and experience;(b) You are excited about; and(c) You are eager to tell your listeners about.

2. Make brief notes of the interesting things you want to mention.

3. Don't write out your talks.

4. Never, never, never memorize a talk word for word.

5.   Fill your talk with illustrations and examples.

There are other principles that we bring forward in our programs but the biggest advantage that we offer is the chance to practice, receive expert coaching and of course more practice, which makes permanent.

Building confidence and being able to think on your feet when presenting can only be overcome by doing.  Reading a book with principles is a foundation, but to truly learn a new skill and change our behaviour we must practice.  And with expert coaching that learning cycle can be speed up considerably.

I talked to a person that has been a member of Toast Masters for year and a half and although she has gained confidence she feels that there is something missing.  Toast Masters is a good program for those that want to improve their presentations skills as it shows that they have the right attitude.  Without the basic principles and professional coaching it becomes very difficult for adults to learn new skills and create new habits.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Cold Calling Tips

I recently talked to a young lady that wanted some tips on cold calling.  She had the responsibility of calling companies to sell booth space at an upcoming trade show.  I know that others are required to do this as well, so I thought I would share these tips with you.

Preparation is a major part of the process that should not be overlooked.  Preparation gives us a reserve power so we can have informed discussions with our perspective clients.  A person who is prepared is more confident and effective during the sales process.
Here are a few steps to help you prepare for your next sales call:

1)    Get the information - Research key information about the industry, company, and people.  This research should yield specific key issues and needs that your prospective client is facing. 

2)    Compile evidence  - Research your own company.  Has your company done business with a company in the same industry as your prospect?  Do some of their issues match?  You should share the results your company has achieved for others.

3)    Find a contact - Look through your client list to see if there is any connection to any of your prospects.  Contacts can help you more easily navigate past gatekeepers and get you talking to decision makers.

4)    Set specific call objectives - Know what you want to accomplish during the call.  Do you want them to request more information? Do you want to set up an appointment?

5)     Know how you want to open the call - Planning an opening is a great way to start a sales call. Remember, you want to be concise, clear and persuasive.

Happy Selling!