Last week I was discussing the Dale Carnegie classic, How to Win Friends and Influence People, with a prospect. They suggested that the human relation principles in the book are common sense. I agreed this is likely very true, but I also said that these principles are not common practice. That sounds rather harsh, yet unforunately, it's true. It's human nature. After all, learning the principles put forth in the book is one thing. But consciously and consistently applying them in everyday life is another. How many people read a book and change their behavior in a substantial way?
It's just like anything in life, we know what we "should" do, but quite often we don't do it. We know that we should exercise regulary, however, many of us choose not to. Albert Einstein once said; "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten." Without a doubt, hard work and dedication at applying the human relation principles has changed the lives of millions of people around the world that have taken the Dale Carnegie Course.
Millions of people have the read the famous book and don't realize that the Dale Carnegie course helps adults learn how to put those common sense principles into practice. The results can be truly amazing, in the work place and in our personal lives.
I make it a point to give value in my blogs and stay away from selling! Sorry I'm a business owner that passionately believes in what we do!
If you you've read the book and believe that it is a great way to live your life, look into the Dale Carnegie course.
Take a chance to improve and do something different!!
Have a great week!